About Dr. Vikash Kumar
A pioneer in the field of rectal surgery, Dr. Vikash Kumar has been dealing with various types and cases of ano-rectal problems and their permanent solutions for more than 05 years. His method of treatment has been accepted world over and has been credited as one of the unique methods of treatment and solution. His high level expertise has seen even the most critical cases which failed to find remedy elsewhere getting completely cured.
The treatment method that Dr. Vikash Kumar follows has been recognized by WHO, AIIMS (New Delhi), PGI (Chandigarh) BHU(Banaras) and a host of other boards and institutions. His method of treatment relieves a patient from the trauma of operation, normal life in a day or two.
To start up, Dr. Vikash Kumar goes on an in-depth counselling session with the patient to find out not only the physical problem but also guide the patient morally and psychologically through out the treatment procedure. Tests and medical investigations are done as and whenever required before the ksharsutra operation. These are then followed by the actual ksharsutra surgery.